The Advantages of FordPass with FordConnect

SoCal Ford Dealers

FordPass is a free app that provides one more way the Ford Company puts you in control of your journey. At Southern California Ford Dealers, we want our customers to understand the convenience and importance of all available features.

In this day and age, we have to stay connected. Period. FordPass keeps you connected with your vehicle no matter how far you travel! Available in the Apple Store and on Google Play, FordPass with FordPass Connect makes getting help in an emergency easier, provides vital statistics on your vehicle, and gives you special incentives with our FordPass Rewards program.

Get Help

Ford warranties go further than our competitors’ warranties. We cover most new vehicles up to 60,000 miles or five years, whichever comes first. You know as well as we do, though, that life is unpredictable, even with the best warranties.

FordPass provides reliable roadside assistance, accessible from the palm of your hand, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We are here to protect you when you need us! Here’s what we cover:

    • Winching

Available within 100 ft (30 m) of a paved or county maintained road, we will send a trusted company to winch you out if you’re disabled or stuck and stranded.

    • Towing

If not prohibited by state or local law, we contract with eligible companies to tow your Ford to an authorized Ford dealership within 35 miles (56 km) of your disablement. If you request a location further than the 35 miles, you are responsible for the overage.

    • Gas

Running out of gas happens to the best of us. Drivers get distracted or think they can push their fuel limits just a little bit further. If not prohibited by state or local regulations, independent contractors deliver up to 2 gallons (8 L) of gasoline or 5 gallons (20 L) of diesel fuel to a disabled vehicle. There is a limit to how often we will bail you out on running out of gas, though. We provide two no-charge occurrences within 12 months.

    • Lock Out

Don’t fret! If you’re locked out, we will let you back in.

    • Flat Tire

Need some help with a flat tire? We’ll send out a reputable company to change your flat using your spare.

    • Battery Charge

We’ll send out a company to give you a jumpstart, and if your battery doesn’t start, we will tow you to the nearest authorized Ford dealership.

A pro tip for consumers: when faced with a stressful situation, it is often hard to remember important details. When you use FordPass to call for emergency assistance, the Ford operator will ask for your current location, vehicle make, model, color, license plate number, and VIN.

Don’t put all that information on your phone. It’s hard to access where you put vital information under stress and to remember how to access it. Write all that crucial information on an index card or piece of paper that you keep handy in your glove compartment. Tell others who may be passengers with you, and be sure to tell others who may drive the vehicle where the information is kept, too. Should you need those critical details quickly, you won’t have to scramble for them in a crisis.

Control with Connect

FordPass with FordPass Connect allows you to be in control of complimentary remote features like start/stop, lock/unlock, and scheduling a start. Other critical pieces of useful information available are:

    • Locate a vehicle

Once you’ve stopped your vehicle and turned it off, your app records the vehicle’s location. When you return unsure about where you parked, voila! No more riding parking garage elevators in a desperate search.

    • Vehicle status check

Information about fuel levels, approximate mileage, and miles until your next service is needed are all available at your fingertips using this simple app.

Rewards and Credit

FordPass Rewards is a way to earn credits toward discounts on routine service, maintenance visits, and even new vehicle purchases on things you do every day. With your purchase or lease of a new Ford, you are automatically awarded 42,000 points!

To stay on top of your financing agreement, you can easily make payments via Ford Credit on the FordPass app. Make payments directly from your app, check the details of your financing agreement, even gathering information on how many payments you have left to make.

The Ford Company is always searching for new and innovative ways to make your experience comfortable and convenient. With new ways of staying connected, our FordPass app is a perfect example of that commitment.

Southern California Auto Dealers can put you in touch with a Ford dealership near you so you can check out all Ford has to offer. You won’t be disappointed in what you find - call us TODAY!

SoCal Ford Dealers